After leaving Kent in winter sunshine, I arrived at Rainham RSPB, to heavy rain showers, they soon faded away and the sun broke through the cloud cover.
Equipped with wellington boots, I set off for a afternoon circuit of the marshes.
This female Reed Bunting showed well, feeding on the seed head of a Bulrush.
A pair of Stonechats were seen in a typical pose.
There was a lot of water on the marshes , most of the boardwalks were passable, but submerged in places, wellingtons definitely required.
Large numbers of Lapwing, Golden plover and Dunlin were seen,
always too distant for a photograph ,but pretty spectacular in flight.
This Curlew was doing a circuit of Aveley marshes calling all the time.
As I had passed through the woodland earlier, I had noticed the large number of Finches and tits at the feeder station, I made my way back and settled in for some photography practice.
Greenfinches seemed to be more common in years gone by, very rarely seen in my garden these days, seemed to be good numbers here at Rainham.
Some people do not like taking photographs of birds on the feeders, but there are plenty of natural looking perches around the feeders and some good photograph opportunities available, these are some of my favorite photographs taken at this woodland feeder station.
Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Collared Dove, Reed Bunting all coming to the feeders.
As I do not seem to see to many Greenfinches these days, I made the most of the opportunity to photograph them.
I never realised before, how bad tempered they look, and there smart green plumage is far from drab.

Very enjoyable session with some common birds at the woodland feeder station at Rainham RSPB.