I was taken aback recently, when in conversation with my
wife as we walked our dog through the woodlands, she described me as a
"slow walker", I think the
'fitbit' permanently affixed to her
wrist, counting her never-ending steps may have had something to do with her
pace though, strangely I had always considered myself as reasonably active.
But then the other day as I was walking along the pavement
in parallel to a younger walker on the other side of the road , I noticed
myself being left behind, this was obviously playing on my mind, perhaps I am a
slow walker I thought, but then again since retirement, I'm in no real hurry to
get anywhere these days.
Once again as I walked around the circular route of Rainham
RSBP I noticed that after at least an hour and half I had made no real headway
at all on the route ahead of me, what is the relevance of these observations you
may well ask yourself.
As I sat in one of the hides enjoying the wildlife around
me, a coach load of senior schoolchildren (probably fast walkers) burst into the hide
shattering the peace and tranquility of the moment, I heard the mutterings of "nothing to see here" as they all moved
off, thankfully.
I smiled to myself thinking they still have a lot to learn
about enjoying the countryside, maybe slow down, open their eyes, close their mouths.
Definition of 'Amble' is quite apt I feel, to walk at a slow,
relaxed pace, especially for pleasure, enjoy the moment.
No more worries for me, I'm happy to 'amble along' and see
what I see.
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Green Veined White |
As I ambled along the track, I could hear a Cuckoo calling , my first for the year, but I was distracted by a Holly Blue Butterfly taking in the early morning sunshine, typically in the wings closed position.
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Holly Blue |
I managed to fire off a few photographs, although relatively distant, a bit of cropping produced a reasonable image.
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Common Cuckoo |
As I approached the old Cordite store, the Cuckoo was calling again, and briefly touched down in the tree tops by the entrance to the store,
Still ambling along, I approached the first of a number of Insect hotels scattered around the Cordite store always worth checking out, a Lizard caught my attention sunning itself on the decomposing wood.
Blackcaps, Great Tits and Chiffchaff were all seen in the surrounding trees together with this acrobatic Grey Squirrel, not sure what he was eating, but he was obviously enjoying it.
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Grey Squirrel |
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Azure Damselfly |
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Blue Tailed Damselfly |
More Butterflies to be seen here, Green Veined Whites , Holly Blues, and the sighting of the day for me in the form of this lovely little butterfly, the Green Hair-streak. it didn't stay for long and I spent far too long trying to relocate it. about the size of a Holly Blue and that green metallic sheen on the underside of the wings helps it blend in perfectly with the newly emerged foliage.
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Green Hairstreak |
My attention now was drawn to the local spiders, a few Nursery Web spiders were sunning themselves on the nettle leaves.
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Nursery Web Spider |
I had hoped to find some recently reported 'Jumping spiders' but no such luck, I did find a nice 'Wolf Spider' on the wooden bench in the store.
Only Bumblebees seen were White Tailed Bumblebee and the common Carder bee.
( my original identification is wrong, the White tailed Bumblebee is possibly one of the cuckoo species Bombus vestalis , thanks to Conehead54 for correction. also a species of Bumblebee not encountered before.)
( my original identification is wrong, the White tailed Bumblebee is possibly one of the cuckoo species Bombus vestalis , thanks to Conehead54 for correction. also a species of Bumblebee not encountered before.)
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Vestal Cuckoo Bombus vestalis |
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Common Carder Bee |
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Orange Tip Butterfly |
It was probably about this time I realized that I was not making much headway, my 'ambling' almost approaching a standstill. I moved on picking the pace back up to an amble, but I was approaching another favored spot, an old wooden bridge near an overgrown pool, back to a stand still as I searched for Dragonflies and damsels, in particular the Large Red Damselfly, I have seen them on this near stagnant pool in past years. it wasn't long until I found my first of three or four Large Reds. Quite pleased with that sighting.
And as a bonus , a Hairy Dragonfly flew in and landed on the overhanging vegetation just long enough for a photograph.
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Hairy Dragonfly |
I was joined here by one of the local Robins which I suspect was waiting for a handout of free meal-worms which they have been enjoying recently by local birders hand feeding them. I felt guilty as I moved on with the Robin watching my every move.
As I moved out of the woodland a few Speckled Wood Butterflies were seen. along with a single Peacock and a Small Tortoiseshell bringing the Butterfly tally to seven species.
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Speckled Wood. |
Back on the board walk and into the reed-beds I came across this gaudy male Pheasant looking very splendid in the sunshine, if not out of place in the reed bed.
Still ambling along, I approached the Ken Barrett hide, always worth spending some time here. a pair of Gadwall seemed very at ease with each others company.
Unlike a poor female Mallard duck which ventured out of the cover of the reed-bed and spent most of her time trying to escape the attention of three Mallard drakes.
A family of Coots were feeding close to the hide providing some nice views, I presume the male Coot was very protective of his family chasing away the Tufted Duck, Pochard and a pair of Shovellers.
A couple of Common Terns put in an appearance, always distant but nice to see.
It was at this point , the hide was invaded by the fast walking children, fortunately not staying long, as their was nothing to see here. !!!
Not the Grey Herons, the Little Egret, the Marsh Harrier, the Hobby, the Moorhen. the Marsh Frogs
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Common Tern. |
Not the Grey Herons, the Little Egret, the Marsh Harrier, the Hobby, the Moorhen. the Marsh Frogs
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Marsh Frog |
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Red-Earred Terrapin / |
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Reed Bunting. |
Moving on through the Dragonfly pools, no sign of any Bearded Tits for me, but I did pick up two Wheatears, Common Whitethroat. two more Wolf Spiders crossing the track, one carrying its egg sac. and Little Grebe.
As I approached the end of the circuit I spent some time watching a Dragonfly cruising up and down the Mardyke eventually settling on a reed stem allowing me to identify it as a Four Spotted Chaser.
To amble is to walk in a relaxed state enjoying a favoured pastime.
slow down, theirs plenty to see.