No Greenfinch have been seen in the garden so far this winter, and just the occasional female Chaffinch.
Blue Tit, Great Tit are regular as you would expect, nice to see the Long Tailed Tit flock moving through the gardens, occasionally lingering on the fat ball feeders.
Ring Necked Parakeets are more regular now in the winter months feeding on the peanut feeders, taking advantage of the odd apples I have been placing out for them.
Wood Pigeons have started to feed on the Ivy berries although they do not look quite ripe at the moment, and my first view of a wintering male Blackcap on the Ivy seen on the 17th December was nice to see.
My tamed Robin seems to have moved on or possibly died, although a new Robin has taken over the Pear tree territory, much shyer, will be interesting to see if this one can be hand fed.
Blackbirds seem quite numerous around the garden, Starlings House Sparrows and Collared Doves all visit the feeders regularly.
The immature Sparrowhawk continues to visit the garden, still hasn't made any successful kills or none that I have witnessed.
I saw him sheltering in the leeward side of the garden Laurel tree during a particularly heavy rain shower. As the storm passed and the Sun came out he flew to the Pear Tree, facing into the wind he spread his tail feathers and wings and appeared to be using the wind as hair dryer, perched for some time in this position, I could see the wind ruffling his feathers as they dried out.
Once content that feathers had dried out he proceeded to Preen, paying particular attention to the tail feathers and feet.
Usually the Sparrowhawks depart quite rapidly once they catch sight of you, I know this one could see me as we made eye contact several times but he seemed secure enough to continue his feather servicing unperturbed by my presence.

Although the garden and feeders are firmly on the Sparrowhawks circuit, this hasn't deterred the
birds visiting the garden, so far this winter.