Rainham Marshes remains one of my favorite haunts, travelling time is short, viewing time long, every visit seems to turn up something different, seasonal birds, Dragons and Damselflys, Butterflies, insects of all sorts, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, marsh fauna, you name it, you can find it.
I have listened and watched the local Marsh Frogs, always very vocal, an occasional glimpse of a Grass snake as they hunt the young frogs, its not hard to find a lizard basking in the sunshine on the boardwalks. I wasn't expecting this Red-Earred Terrapin basking on the edge of the reeds, I have heard rumors of its presence, not the most welcome of pet releases I expect.
Red-Earred Terrapin |
Plenty of young birds around the Marsh, especially Sedge and Reed warblers, must be some Cetti's and Reed Bunting young there, Bearded Tits are reported often but I am yet to come across any as yet.
Sedge Warbler juvenile |
Reed Warbler |
This male Blackcap singing its heart out in the Cordite store,
Swallows House Martin and Sand Martin were all seen around the reserve
The open water holding good numbers of young waterfowl, Mute Swan, Canada Geese, Coot, Pochard. and Moorhen
Herons are represented by Grey Heron and Little Egret, with a few Juvenile Grey Herons causing agitation with the adults.
You can't miss the 'Warden of the Marsh' and I'm talking about the Redshank adults keeping an eye out for any considered dangers to there young.
Plenty of Dragonfly's appearing around the reserve at the moment, I have managed to see a few Common, Azure and Blue Tailed Damselflys, Large Red Damselflies have eluded me this year.
Common Blue Damselfly |
Azure Damselfly |
This Sedge Warbler was having more luck than me, taking an Emerald Damselfly of some sorts,
right in front of me, unseen on the reeds in front of the hide window.
Not so many four spotted chasers around, this being the only one I have seen this year.
Four-Spotted Chaser |
Plenty of Emperors patrolling up and down the dykes, caught this one ovipositing in front of the Marshland discovery Zone Hide, although a bit distant
Black tailed Skimmers appear quite widespread this year, Found this nice female Black Tailed Skimmer in the old cordite store. first female I have seen.
And a few males basking in the sun on the tracks,
Black tailed Skimmer. |
Plenty of photo opportunities with the Ruddy Darters, females seem to be everywhere.
Ruddy Darter male |
Ruddy Darter Female |
Bee sightings were covered in the previous blog page, but a few Hover flies caught my eye.
Xanthogramma pedissequum |
possibly Bumblebee mimic Volucella bombylans ? |
female Chrysotoxum cautum |
unknown Hoverfly genus Sphaerophoria sp. on flowering Rush |
Butterfly sightings included, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Peacock, Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell,
Common Blue, Holly Blue, Ringlet, Green Veined White, Large Skipper, Small skipper.
Comma |
Painted lady |
Red Admiral |
Small Tortoiseshell |
Large Skipper |
Ringlet |
Common Blue |
Holly Blue |
Small Skipper |
Peacock. |
That's a really beautiful set of photographs